Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Sick and sick some more!

First I got sick with flue. Fever, body ache and the likes.
Then i got sick of being home alone.
Then i got sick of watching TV and wasting time over the internet.
But so far the most sick i have been is because of listening to people and their advise for getting better.

'Take antibiotics'
'Have hot milk'
'Sit in the sun'
'Get as much sleep as possible'

It may seem that my health has become an issue of national importance.
But on the contrary i think Indians just love to give advice.
Be it a colleague buying a new bike or be it a friend sending flowers to his girlfriend. We can be counted to have some new idea to add to the dilemma.

I know i do it too. But I wonder what is the pleasure that we get from it all.
Maybe the next time i feel like sharing my uninvited inputs with someone i will hold my advise and see what happens...
And in the meantime u guys r free to guide me with the 'Do's and Don'ts for an irritated soul'